Data conflict

You're attempting to restore the data from a bookmark or link.
This will PERMANENTLY overwrite your stored data.
If you want to keep your stored data, ignore the bookmark for now so you can bookmark your data first.

What do you want to do?

Errors detected

Sorry, but there was an issue loading your data back in...

Errors detected

I cannot create the bookmark; there are errors in your data. Please fix these first.

Errors detected

I cannot start divining; there are errors in your data. Please fix these first.

Errors detected

I cannot automatically fill in the needed items to create this desired item; there are errors in your data. Please fix these first.

Duplicate items detected

For performance reasons, I've taken the liberty to merge identical source items.

Max out your desired item

You have already set up enchantments on your desired item. I'll replace these with a maxed out set.

Max out your desired item

Some enchantments conflict with each other. Pick the one(s) you want to have.

Conflicting enchantments:

Non-conflicting enchantments:

Max out your desired item

Some enchantments conflict with each other. Pick the one(s) you want to have. I'll then replace your previous enchantments with the ones you choose below.

Conflicting enchantments:

Non-conflicting enchantments:

Items already specified

You have already specified items in the "My items" section. I'll need to remove these first.

Do you want to continue?

Divination is in progress

Starting up...


OMEO divines for you the best way to get that sweet OP Minecraft gear for the Java version of Minecraft. To consult the Oracle, fill in the items you already have, and the item you'd like to obtain. Then just click on "Make it happen!" and the Oracle will do it's best to please.

See the change history for a list of all updates and changes. Please contact me if you spot anything amiss -- or to send me your excellent suggestions.

If you're wondering how all if this works, I've written a detailed explanation of the process here.

And of course OMEO hasn't been created in isolation; see the shout-out page for what enabled OMEO to come together.

Important highlights:

  • OMEO works for the Java edition of Minecraft only. The Bedrock edition of Minecraft e.g., uses other cost calculations and has other enchantment incompatibilities. So, if you're not on the Java version, feel free using OMEO to plan your enchantments, but beware that the combining plan might not work out IRL.
  • Combining a damaged item with another item will repair it (somewhat or in full), and this costs an additional 2 xp levels for that combine. Note that the combined item might still be (somewhat) damaged, so a follow-up item+item combine would again cost an extra 2 xp levels. These costs are not considered by OMEO, so please keep this in mind. When these repairing combines are done at the end of the combine chain (when the combine cost might already be close to the max cost of 39), this can be an unexpected deal breaker.
  • It is quite important to correctly fill in each item's prior work penalty! This is the most cost contributing factor when combining higher-tiered items. See the detailed explanation page for instructions on how to get at an item's prior work penalty.
  • Due to the direly needed optimization strategy, the combining progress cannot be predicted perfectly. For this reason you might see the progress sometimes actually count down instead of up, or flow in fits and starts. This is not a bug but intended behavior.

I want to have

Tell me what you'd like to have, and I'll try to conjure it up.

Enchantments & levels

(costs 1 XP)

My items

Just tell me below which items you want to use. I can also all needed items to create your desired item.

Nr Count Type & prior work
Enchantments & levels

All creatable items

Press and I'll try to see what you can get. After the divination is complete, press the "Show" buttons to show the recipe for that item.

Items with requested enchantments Items with even more enchantments Items with less enchantments Items with both more and less enchantments
Count Type Prior work Cost

Keep your work and share it

Your list of items is stored automatically for you in this browser on this device. Note 1: the item combinations after a divination won't be stored! Note 2: if you are browsing in incognito mode or in a private tab, the data can't be stored for you!

If you wish to use the list of items on another device or send it to your friends, you can to share it. Mkay, here it is then. Right-click the link to bookmark or copy it.

Privacy Policy

This one's simple: no accounts, no server, no tracking, no selling your data, no cookies (except private ones to remember the content you entered on this page). Just a link to my Patreon campaign if you like to support OMEO, and that's that.

Obligatory disclaimer

Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved. This site is for personal use only. By using this website you agree to the privacy policy as stated on the main page.

OMEO is not affiliated with Minecraft, Microsoft or Mojang. Minecraft and any artwork or screenshots relating to these are the intellectual property of Microsoft; all rights are reserved worldwide.